Welcome to the Procession Legacies platform, the premier platform for commemorating and preserving the legacies of both the departed and the living. With a commitment to honoring life's journey, we offer an array of services that go beyond the traditional. For those looking to encapsulate their life's journey, our user-friendly historical timelines provide a seamless way to capture and visualise all your most cherished memories. Whether it's the milestones that shaped your story or the everyday moments that brought joy, our platform ensures that no memory is left behind. Not only do we prioritise the security and privacy of your memories, but we also understand the importance of easy sharing. That's why each personalised, ad-free webpage comes with its own uniquely generated QR code engraved onto a plaque of your choosing. Effortlessly share your memories with friends and family, ensuring that your legacy continues to inspire and uplift future generations. In addition to preserving memories, we offer practical solutions to simplify the process of managing a commemorative page. Receive donations without the burden of commissions, safeguard your cherished moments with password protection for private viewing, and seamlessly organize events to honor and celebrate the lives of your loved ones. With our precise location services, finding gravesites becomes a hassle-free experience, allowing you to pay respects with pinpoint accuracy.

Join us in celebrating the rich tapestry of life. At Procession Legacies, we strive to ensure that every cherished memory is treasured, celebrated, and preserved for generations to come.

Procession Legacies

Start Your Plan

Generate your unique QR code visit your personal Procession Legacies portal.

Procession Legacies

Create Your Own or Loved Ones Life Story

Upload pictures, videos, music files and text into a timeline. Collaborate a complete story from the perspectives of those involved.

Procession Legacies

Share With Friends and Family

Scan the QR code anywhere with a smart device or use custom web address to view your personalised page.